Monday, December 27, 2010

Special Needs Trust Blog - Los Angeles

Improve your government benefits with  A SPECIAL NEEDS TRUST.
A Special Needs Trust (SNT) document is prepared to benefit an individual having a disability. The disability may be mental or physical. A SNT allows the disabled person to have unlimited assets held in trust. These assets would not be considered countable for qualification of Medi-Cal benefits and therefore the disabled person could qualify for Medical benefits and receive supplemental support.
When Medi-Cal will not pay for certain medical care or treatments, the SNT can pay for those. If your son or daughter has a disability they could not inherit more than $2000 because it will interfere with the SSI and Medi-Cal benefits. Setting up the SNT allows the son or daughter to inherit funds over $2000 without losing the SSI and Medi-Cal benefits.
To set up a Los Angeles Special Needs Trust or understand further benefits for disabled individuals and those with special needs call attorney Alice Salvo for a free consultattion.

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